Donation Info

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Give by bank transfer (ACH) – 100% secure manual setup
Donation Options – check, billpay, online, PayPal
Login to your profile to update recurring donations
Creative Giving – Amazon SMILE, stock donations, estate planning, etc.
Feedback Form – leave a message if you have a question or concern.

Mission Together is also known as Eurasia Partners Network Inc., a recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Federal EIN: 46-2783813

No goods or services were provided by the organization in exchange for contributions, unless otherwise indicated.

Donations are made with the understanding that MISSION TOGETHER has discretion and control over the use of donated funds keeping in mind the preferences of the donor.

Here is our Charity Navigator Profile. Although we are below their evaluation limit, we abide by their important recommendations, “Evaluating Charities Not Currently Rated by Charity Navigator.”



We achieved a GuideStar rating of Gold. Click HERE to see our profile.

All online transactions are secured by continuously updated firewalls, server security, PCI compliance and verification.